For this blog I will be looking at the different titles that I have found for our thriller opening. My group has come up with the idea of calling our opening 'The Disappearance'. I have then gone onto the website '' which is where you can type in the word that you want, and it will come up in thousands of different styles.
The first font that I looked at was 'scorched earth'. I liked this one because it has a very distressed look and it is also very bold. The colour of the title being black, will stand out against a white background the ma\king it the focus of the shot. I also like the scratched effect that is shown along the bottom of the font. I feel like this can foreshadow violence within the thriller opening. I have also chosen to have the title completely in capital letters. I have done this because it makes it stand out a lot more and it also allows to seem more serious as appose to something fun.
The next font that I have looked at it called 'buy more'. This almost looks like newspaper font within the letters. This is then connotes with the idea that someone that has disappeared would be in the newspaper. It also looks like something is distressed which gives the feel of something is wrong, foreshadowing the thriller opening. The contrasting colours also is appealing to me as it makes the writing stand out in the middle, and the main text intself. furthermore, I like how bold the text has been made to look and but I don't feel like this text is 'scary' enough to be the one that we use for our titles.
The final font that I will analyse is the one shown above. This font is very clear even though is it thin and is also consistent with the other fonts in the way that it is of eroded style. I feel like this will work well on a light background but can also be edited so it is suitable for a dark background. I also like how some of the letters like the 'P' and the 'T' are dragged down the page. This can then foreshadow the end of out thriller opening. I also like how the 'A' isn't finished. This also links to the end of our thriller because it will be left on a cliff-hanger: unfinished just like the lettering.