Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product? 

Within our group, we didn't decide on one specific target audience. This was because we felt that our opening was quite generic and had all the conventions that would appeal to all of the age groups and genders. We decided not to include any violence or strong language of sort which allowed us to appeal to audiences below the age of 15. This then allowed us to have a potential target audience of people from the ages of 12 to 35.  The reason that we wanted to appeal to these people is because we feel that we can portray two different messages to the age groups.

Our first age bracket is between 12-22. We appeal to this age group by using mise-en-scene for them to relate. One of these would be the use of laptops and phones. This allows them to relate to the character in the opening because it something that they use on a day to day basis. Another way that we appealed to them is through costume. We done this by having our protagonist dress in a crop top and ripped jeans; normal clothing for a teenager. We also decided to have non-diegetic sound in the beginning of the opening which is popular for teenage girls. This then related to the character with in the thriller and also the teenage girl target audience.

The next age bracket that we appealed to is 23-35. This is the age that adults would have children that are growing up in a technology orientated world. The subliminal message that we have tried to put forward towards these parents is that our protagonist had to rely so much on technology to save herself, but didn’t have any true skills to find a way to save herself. This then appeals to this target audience to teach their children skills if something like this was ever to happen. Another message that we wanted to portray is the fact that the teenage is on her own within the house.  There is a growing number of young children being left home alone without a responsible adult. We liked the idea of showing the consequences of doing this since there have been more and more parents arrested due to leaving their children home alone. We thought it would be a great way of showing the effect and possible happenings when you leave a child on their own at home through an effective piece of media due to parents not really thinking about things like this.

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